
Friday 12 October 2012

What Am I Waiting For?

I'm such a procrastinator. Always putting things off until the last minute. I never used to be, always used to do my homework the day it got set. This all changed when I went to uni, everything was always left until the day before it was due (but I never handed anything in late).

And this procrastination occurs on the daily, every single night, I always wait until midnight to shower. And on nights I wash my hair (every other day), I have to wait until my hair dries (I don't like to use hairdryers because they dry out your hair) and so I usually get to bed at like 2am. So I'm always a zombie and snooze my alarms a few times before finally dragging myself out of bed, 15 minutes before I have to leave the house.

So why am I so lastminute-dot-com?!

I need to kick my arse into gear, starting tomorrow (because some things never change).

"Procrastination is the thief of time."
-- Edward Young 

- Diem xo

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