
Monday 15 October 2012

I Dont Need You.

I feel like I'm burning out. I'm cold and I don't feel too great. I've got a banging headache and I can feel the onset of a nasty cough. But I will not and shall not take any medicine. Pills are for wussies.

But I do need to concentrate and not fall asleep at my desk. Think this calls for an early night for me. Or else I really am going to burn out. Had an eventful weekend and so I didn't have the time to catch up on my sleep as I usually do. Just need to hold on and make it to this weekend. Don't think I have any plans. Or do I..?

In other news, I've been having weird dreams lately. People of the past have been heavily featured and to be quite honest with you, it's left me with this nasty aftertaste of nostalgia. Somehow it doesn't feel real, like it didn't actually happen. And nostalgia is the only feeling it evokes, I don't feel a sense of anger anymore. In saying that, I wouldn't really describe myself as an angry person anymore. Moody, yes. Angry, no.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
-- Buddha

- Diem xo

P.S. The candle burning in the picture is 'Spiced Apple'. It makes my room smell so delicious that I want to lick the air. I refrain (but not really).

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