
Tuesday 16 October 2012

I'm Going To Have My Cake..

And eat it too. Because life is just too short to deprive yourself of everything fun. I keep thinking about what I've achieved so far in my life, and it isn't much. So I'm going to start trying to do new things, meet new people, and just enjoy life basically.

"Life is too short to worry about anything. You had better enjoy it because the next day promises nothing."
-- Eric Davis

- Diem xo

Monday 15 October 2012

I Dont Need You.

I feel like I'm burning out. I'm cold and I don't feel too great. I've got a banging headache and I can feel the onset of a nasty cough. But I will not and shall not take any medicine. Pills are for wussies.

But I do need to concentrate and not fall asleep at my desk. Think this calls for an early night for me. Or else I really am going to burn out. Had an eventful weekend and so I didn't have the time to catch up on my sleep as I usually do. Just need to hold on and make it to this weekend. Don't think I have any plans. Or do I..?

In other news, I've been having weird dreams lately. People of the past have been heavily featured and to be quite honest with you, it's left me with this nasty aftertaste of nostalgia. Somehow it doesn't feel real, like it didn't actually happen. And nostalgia is the only feeling it evokes, I don't feel a sense of anger anymore. In saying that, I wouldn't really describe myself as an angry person anymore. Moody, yes. Angry, no.

"Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned."
-- Buddha

- Diem xo

P.S. The candle burning in the picture is 'Spiced Apple'. It makes my room smell so delicious that I want to lick the air. I refrain (but not really).

Sunday 14 October 2012

Broken Glass and Broken Hearts.

I hate broken glass. It's a bitch to clean up. And you never seem to be able to get it all, and you end up with broken glass in your feet. It reminds me of a broken heart: you think that you're over it, but then all of a sudden, you feel the sharp pain of heartache. But once you manage to get rid of all the broken shards, everything is back to normal again, and there's no need to walk with caution.

Speaking of broken hearts, what is up with K-Dramas? They really love their "One year later" sequences. An epic love story is not complete unless the two mains spend one year apart from each other. Whatever the problem is, all is solved with one year passing by. It doesn't matter what the issue was, how big or small the problem was, let's just fast forward one year, and have the lead guy and the lead girl meet each other again, and then, and only then, can they FINALLY get to be with one another. That, or one of them dies.

I never understood why they couldn't just solve the problem there and then. If they REALLY wanted to be with each other, why couldn't they just make it happen. What difference is there in waiting a year apart from the fact that one year has passed. And more often than not, the reunion scene is totally anti-climatic that it completely undermines the epic love struggles they endured. One word to describe those endings: boo.

“Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.”
―- Lao Tzu

- Diem xo

Saturday 13 October 2012

Look Into My Eyeballs.

Just tell me the truth. I don't see the point in lying. The truth will come out eventually and it'll turn out worse than what it would have been had you told me the truth in the first place.

The ways I see it, if you felt like you had to lie, it must have meant that you thought you were doing something wrong. If you didn't, you wouldn't have felt the need to lie. So the thing that was "nothing" has just become a thing that is  "something". So was it really worth it? Really?

And yes, most girls think this way.

"For every good reason there is to lie, there is a better reason to tell the truth."
-- Bo Bennett 

- Diem xo (hug and kiss to truth tellers only).

P.S. I blinded myself trying to take a good picture of my eye. Stupid flash.

Friday 12 October 2012

What Am I Waiting For?

I'm such a procrastinator. Always putting things off until the last minute. I never used to be, always used to do my homework the day it got set. This all changed when I went to uni, everything was always left until the day before it was due (but I never handed anything in late).

And this procrastination occurs on the daily, every single night, I always wait until midnight to shower. And on nights I wash my hair (every other day), I have to wait until my hair dries (I don't like to use hairdryers because they dry out your hair) and so I usually get to bed at like 2am. So I'm always a zombie and snooze my alarms a few times before finally dragging myself out of bed, 15 minutes before I have to leave the house.

So why am I so lastminute-dot-com?!

I need to kick my arse into gear, starting tomorrow (because some things never change).

"Procrastination is the thief of time."
-- Edward Young 

- Diem xo

Thursday 11 October 2012

A Rude Awakening.

So I was having a nice little sleep onto my way into work and all of a sudden, I hear a -BANG BANG BANG BANG-. I open my eyes and there's a ticket inspector in front of me with an annoyed face. So he does his little thing with his little machine to check if I paid for the journey and one stop later, I have to get off. Man, was I enjoying that little nap.

Although I did not like the fact that he made a banging noise to get my attention, at least he didn't touch me. How I DESPISE strangers touching me to get my attention. If you don't know me, please don't touch me. EVER. This happened when I was at Tesco and this old woman wanted to know if I was in the queue so she tapped me. WHY?! At least say "Excuse me?" before touching me. I DON'T KNOW WHERE YOUR HANDS HAVE BEEN.

Actually, I've come to prefer no physical contact with ALL people (friends included) strangers and those who are of the male persuasion. It's not personal (but not really). I don't know what it is, but please keep to your side of the room, thanks very much.

"It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone."
-- Marilyn Monroe

- Diem xo (metaphorical kiss and hug)

Wednesday 10 October 2012

But Am I Jealous Though?

Jealousy. I'm not going to lie, I've had my jealous streaks. But after 'maturing' this past year, I wonder if I will get jealous in the future?

If he can't make you feel secure in your relationship, what does that say about your relationship?

And I don't think I could be able to tolerate someone who is jealous. I understand that if this future boyfriend doesn't quite grasp the kinds of friendship I have with my male mates. It may make him feel uneasy, but at the end of the day, there's a reason why I'm with him and not with them. And it works both ways, I need to not feel threatened by his female friends because that's what they are: friends.

Of course it's all good and well saying this when I can't imagine myself being in this scenario.

Only time will tell eh?

"Jealousy, that dragon which slays love under the pretence of keeping it alive."
-- Havelock Ellis 

- Diem xo

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Marmite, Love or Hate?

So they say you either love or hate Marmite. Well, after a few months of pondering whether or not I actually like Marmite, I've decided that I love it. I actually hated it at first, because I thought it was too salty (that's what she said!). But that was prolly because I tasted it straight and not on any bread or anything. So I then tried it on bread, alone and with butter. I was still undecided until I found myself eating a slice of plain toast and thought there was something missing. And there was: Marmite.

So it goes to show that first impressions don't last. And the whole thing about either hating or loving Marmite? I think you can grow to love Marmite.

And I'm a bit like Marmite actually. A lot of people either love or hate me, but like my views on Marmite, I think people's first impressions about me can change. What can I say? I'm a grower ;)

"It's pretty simple, pretty obvious: that people's first impressions of people are really a big mistake."
-- Vincent D'Onofrio

- Diem xo

P.S. I think I'm running out of things to say. Doing a post on Marmite, really?

Monday 8 October 2012

Thank God For Spellcheck

Since graduating from university, my spelling has taken a downfall. Since spellcheck has entered my life, my spelling has taken a downfall. I used to be very good at spelling  now it's atrocious. Whenever I type, I really do rely on the trusty red squiggly line and right click. That way  I can use big long words that I can't spell, correct myself, and sound really clever. And that's not all I use it for, I am pretty useless when it comes to typing  I make a lot of mistakes, and the good ol' squiggly red line also alerts me when I make a typo. What would I do without you, eh?

Another tool I should thank is the synonym function, without that, I would use the same word over and over again. But I haven't needed to write up a lab report for a couple of years now (thank god!) so I haven't used the synonym tool for a while now.

When writing using a pen and paper, and I don;t know if the word exists or if I don't know how to spell it, I always use a synonym  one I do know how to spell. That also holds true for the prefix to denote the opposite. For example, if I didn't know what prefix to use before the word 'comfortable', instead of just guessing and potentially make myself look like an uneducated fool, I just use my trusty word 'not': "It's not comfortable". I know it's sneaky, but I'm sure everyone does it too.

Or should I really be thankful? If I wasn't so reliant on spellcheck, maybe I would be better at proof reading and spelling in general? Hmm..

“A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one.”
-- Baltasar Gracián

- Diem xo

Sunday 7 October 2012

Sleep Makes Me Tired

I don't know what it is but I really hate falling asleep. I put it off until I finally surrender because I know it'll be hell in the morning if I don't go to sleep. There have been many nights when I've gone to bed at four or five in the morning, and haven't fallen asleep until six, seven in the morning and up for work at nine.
But what I hate even more than going to sleep, is waking up from sleep. How I love to stay asleep once I am asleep, but hate going to sleep. Why, oh why, am I so messed up when it comes to sleeping?

And I'm always super tired on Sundays. And I usually take a nap in the evening which usually results in me with a banging headache, and the inability to fall asleep come Sunday night. I feel so groggy right now, but I just know when it's around midnight, I'm going to be wide awake and ready to rumble, with nowhere to rumble to.

I pretty much spend my weekdays sleep deprived and over compensate over the weekends. What I really need to do is make sure I get plenty of sleep in the weekdays, and try not to sleep so much on the weekends.

"The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep."
-- W. C. Fields 

- Diem xo

Saturday 6 October 2012

Wet Feet and Wet Eyes.

I need new shoes. Every time it rains, my feet get wet.  But I like the rain, so it's worth it. Just not when I'm in heels though. Otherwise, I would happily walk in the rain. It's been a while since I've been able to walk in the rain, shame I wasn't in appropriate footwear.

The reason why I like the rain so much? Corny as it sounds, I remember watching this guy in the rain, and someone asked him why he was in the rain, and he said that the rain could hide his tears. That scene just stuck with me and I feel like the rain can hide any pain that I'm in. So I find the rain comforting, yet uncomfortable.

And if you go through life without tears, you've not lived life at all. So it's not all about the sunshine, you need a little rain in your life to make it colourful.

And speaking of colour, I miss my coloured ends, I really need to take the time to dye it again.

It takes both the sun and the rain to make a beautiful rainbow.

-- Unknown

- Diem xo

Friday 5 October 2012

If It Tastes Like Crap, Its Prolly Good For You

I love food. Perhaps a little too much. I love food that tastes good. Perhaps a little too much. So much so I'm a whale. So now I have to stop eating food that tastes yummy and stick to the food that tastes bland. Serves me right for being such a greedy pig for the last couple of years.

I'm off to a restaurant tonight? Will I have the willpower to order something that has low calories? Prolly not seeing as I have no self control when it comes to food.

I've never had alcohol before in my life, or smoked a cigarette, but a day without sweets, and I will have some SERIOUS withdrawal symptoms. Not to mention I'll be a moody bitch.

Just. Put. Down. The. Fork. And. Learn. Portion. Control.

Pasta doesn't make you fat. How much pasta you eat makes you fat. 

-- Giada De Laurentiis 

- Diem xo

Thursday 4 October 2012

How Did I Get Here?

Metaphorically speaking of course. Do we have full power over the decisions we make or were we fated to be where we are today?

I had a dinner date with my friend, Kukghali, yesterday and this topic was the main discussion point.

So it got me thinking, do I believe in a pre-destined fate? Or is it just an excuse because as humans, we always like to blame other people slash things rather than take responsibility for our own circumstances?

I've not always made the right decisions, but maybe I was supposed to make the wrong choices for self growth. Whether or not I am accountable for these mistakes, or it was through no fault of my own; I'm going to get on this train called 'Life' and see where it takes me. I don't care what the destination is, I'm just going to enjoy the scenery. It's not about asking questions, but discovering answers.

"Life is a series of experiences, each one of which makes us bigger…for the world was built to develop character, and we must learn that the setbacks and grief's we endure help us in our marching onward."

-- Henry Ford

- Diem xo

Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Elusive Apostrophe

Why do people overuse apostrophes? Is there some kind of magnetic attraction that I don't feel? I've mentioned this before, but it's one of my pet peeves when I see people using apostrophes that don't belong.

NOTE: Apostrophes are NOT needed to denote plurals.

Like my doodle?

The way I see it: "If in doubt, leave it out". You won't look as stupid if you leave out an apostrophe (blame it on a typo) than if you put it in somewhere it doesn't belong. Finger slippage is not really a valid excuse.

And while we're on the topic of English, could people please revise how they use the following:

Their (belonging or associated with more than one person or thing)
There (in, at, to at that place slash position)
They're (they are)

Your (belonging to you)
You're (you are)

"It's over their" LITERALLY hurts my eyes. Please. Stop. It.

- Diem xo
Allergic to bad English

Tuesday 2 October 2012

What's My Name?

Weird as it may seem, sometimes I forget what my name is.

It's been a while since I've introduced myself as 'Anna' but I still go by that name among certain circle of friends; the name 'Diem' foreign to them.

I also have friends who don't even know that I once went by the name 'Anna', and friends who knew me as 'Anna' and adapted to 'Diem' once I had dropped my first name.

For the record, my REAL name is both 'Anna' and 'Diem'. I did not just spring a "fake" name on people.

I wonder, for the people who once knew me as Anna, do they still remember? When they think of me, what name immediately pops into their head? Does it take them that little second to recognise Diem as I do?

I have a feeling that if someone were to call out 'Diem', it'll probably go unnoticed by me. It's been five years since I dropped the 'Anna' and became 'Diem', and yet I don't associate myself with the name 'Diem'. Not as  I once associated the name 'Anna' with myself. I no longer associate myself with the name 'Anna', as it has been five years since I've properly gone by that name.

Perhaps the only name I react autonomously to is Diễm, the true Vietnamese way to say it as that's the only name that has remained constant in my 8640 days.

My name has been a touchy subject in the past; I've heard all the variations you can think of:

Anna Ding Dong - because Dinh sounds like Ding, and why not just add Dong at the end of my name?
Anna Dinh Dinh - because to children, Diem and Dinh look the same.
Anadin Extra - who knew my name would become a headache pill?
Anna Ding Dong, it's time for Dinh-ner - a variation to the first, because sometimes, Anna Ding Dong just isn't enough.
Anna Dim Dinh - because sometimes the 'e' in 'Diem' just doesn't stand out enough.

And let's touch on the topic of introducing myself as Diem in a club. Typical conversation goes like this:

Clubber: So what's your name?
Me: Diem.
Clubber: Diane?
Me: No, Diem.
Clubber: Ohh, Diam / Di-eem.
Clubber: Oh cool, what does DM stand for?
Me: It's spelt, D-I-E-M.

Rarely do they get it right the first time. Maybe I should just go back to plain ol' boring Anna. I did try to spice it up a little by adding 'h' on the end when I was in sixth form. Annah. Why I have an odd fascination with "sprucing" up my name is beyond me. I guess I just don't like to be common.

And children can be so cruel.

- Diem(?) xo

P.S. Does anyone else have a coloured photo on their licence?

Monday 1 October 2012

8639 Days.

Random thought. How many days have passed since I was born? The answer to that, thank you because I couldn't be bothered to sit there and work it out myself, is 8639 days. Wow, when I reach 10,000, that'd be an achievement. Maybe I will boycott celebrating my "years" and celebrate "milestone" days? Maybe I can manipulate it so I can have more than 2 occasions a year where I can celebrate a, 'I'm xxxx days old' day. Double gifts? Get in.

So my (second) random thought slash question of the day is:

Why are checklists so damn satisfying to check off?

Maybe it's just me, but looking at a checklist all ticked makes me smile.

Not quite there yet, but I will be ^^

- Diem xo