
Sunday 7 October 2012

Sleep Makes Me Tired

I don't know what it is but I really hate falling asleep. I put it off until I finally surrender because I know it'll be hell in the morning if I don't go to sleep. There have been many nights when I've gone to bed at four or five in the morning, and haven't fallen asleep until six, seven in the morning and up for work at nine.
But what I hate even more than going to sleep, is waking up from sleep. How I love to stay asleep once I am asleep, but hate going to sleep. Why, oh why, am I so messed up when it comes to sleeping?

And I'm always super tired on Sundays. And I usually take a nap in the evening which usually results in me with a banging headache, and the inability to fall asleep come Sunday night. I feel so groggy right now, but I just know when it's around midnight, I'm going to be wide awake and ready to rumble, with nowhere to rumble to.

I pretty much spend my weekdays sleep deprived and over compensate over the weekends. What I really need to do is make sure I get plenty of sleep in the weekdays, and try not to sleep so much on the weekends.

"The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep."
-- W. C. Fields 

- Diem xo

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