
Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Elusive Apostrophe

Why do people overuse apostrophes? Is there some kind of magnetic attraction that I don't feel? I've mentioned this before, but it's one of my pet peeves when I see people using apostrophes that don't belong.

NOTE: Apostrophes are NOT needed to denote plurals.

Like my doodle?

The way I see it: "If in doubt, leave it out". You won't look as stupid if you leave out an apostrophe (blame it on a typo) than if you put it in somewhere it doesn't belong. Finger slippage is not really a valid excuse.

And while we're on the topic of English, could people please revise how they use the following:

Their (belonging or associated with more than one person or thing)
There (in, at, to at that place slash position)
They're (they are)

Your (belonging to you)
You're (you are)

"It's over their" LITERALLY hurts my eyes. Please. Stop. It.

- Diem xo
Allergic to bad English

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